Thursday, August 7, 2008

2 Quick Fat Loss Tips

In order to get lean, you have to expend more energy than you take in. I am talking about calories. Eat less calories and/or burn more calories and you lose fat. I am in favor of a combo approach, moderate calorie deficit with more enrgy expenditure. You can eat more which I think has a psychological effect, at least for me.

Before you do anything though, you need to do two important things first:

1. Know how many calories you are currently eating

2. Creat a calorie deficit

You can't get where you need to go unless you first know where you are at. Sounds logical and it is. It seems so obvious but so many people start a fat loss program and simply eat less. they have absolutely no idea how much they are even eating. Maybe they are not eating enough in the first place and now they are going to eat less!

You must get an accurate measure of how much you normally eat over a give amount of time. Three days is common with one day a weekend day. Make them consecutive. Write down everything you eat for three day. I mean EVERYTHING. Include the milk you put in your coffee or the piece of candy you had. Everything!

Get a calorie book or use an online calorie database and figure it all out. From there you can go onto step 2.

Create a calorie deficit.

Now that you know how much you eat, you now need to create the deficit. You MUST take in FEWER calories than you currently eat to lose fat! There is no other way about it. If you are currently eating 2000 calories a day on average, begin with a small reduction, say 250 calories for a few weeks. Along with your current workouts, you should begin to lose fat.

This is where figuring out your calorie levels is so important because now you can manipulate your calories up or down by making a few simple changes. Need to cut 500 calories a day, replace a meal with a protein shake and cut a meal size in half. This is just an example but shows you how easy this can be.

You can also create a deficit by exercising. The more you exercise the higher the deficit. I advise a bit of both. Moderate calorie cuts and increased exercise intensity and or volume. The combination of these will get you on the right path to your fat loss goals.

You’ll never get anywhere with your fat loss efforts without doing these two critical steps. Fat loss does not happen by accident, it happens with consistent daily actions.

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