Friday, May 2, 2008

Two Factors That Guarantee Fat Loss Success

Want to know why you are struggling in your fat loss routine and unhappy about the way you look? I am positive it is because you are not employing these two factors.

Despite what you may think, there are NO secrets when it comes to fat loss. I know, I know. You keep trying and failing and believe that if you can just find the right workout or diet, then you will finally succeed.

Let me tell you… it isn’t happening!

Here are the two things that guarantee fat loss success.


This one is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for people when it comes to fat loss. You make a decision to finally get serious and lose some weight.

You workout every day.

You eat quality meals five to six times per day.

You are doing all the things necessary to lose fat and get a six pack….until…

It Friday and your buds want to go and have a few beers…or things get hectic at home and you binge on junk food…or you go out of town and go off your routine….

Whatever the reason, despite your best intentions, you aren’t able to stay on your diet for more than a few days or weeks at a time.

What’s the problem? Lack of consistency.

You must design your life so that you are successful. Set our self up for success!
Don’t allow you’re self to get in the situations where you will become weak and fall off your plan.
I am not saying that you need to be a hermit, but maybe it would help for awhile! Just kidding. Seriously though…. It is all up to you. You made a decision to get lean. Figure out what you need to do to achieve your goal.

Here is a tip; it does not include going out with the guys and having pizza and beer!

Stay out of the situations that get you in trouble, keep consistent and achieve your fat loss goals!

Hard Work

Most people what to lose fat and get lean. Most people don’t want to have to do anything to achieve this goal, so they remain fat and unhappy with their body.

It’s the truth. People know what to do in general to get a six pack, yet they don’t do what they know.


Because they are lazy and don’t want to put in the effort required to get what they want. Sadly, this applies to almost all areas of life.

Hard work is the limiting factor for most people because they are lazy. They want the reward without doing the work!

It ain’t happening! You will never achieve a lean body sitting around wishing and hoping that it will happen.

Ok, enough ranting! There you have it. Employ these to factors in your fat loss arsenal and you are guaranteed success!

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