Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beach Bound

I am heading for the beach for the weekend with my family. We are going to be staying with some friends of ours, it should be a fun trip.

It is always tough when you go away because you get out of your fitness routine. Nothing wrong with that but it can be easy to totally let loose and eat whatever you want and do no exercise.

Letting loose can be ok too sometimes. This weekend though, I want to try and stick to my regular eating habits and training routines as much as possible. Will it be easy?

No. It will take some preparation. Here are some things I am doing to make sure I don't fall off track.

1. pack plenty of nuts, fruit and some protein bars for the trip. Many people don't eat more than two or three times a day so I need some snacks.

2. Focus on body weight training. I do this alot anyway so it is not tough for me. Body weight training can pretty much be done anywhere so I plan to do double sessions Saturday and Sunday, a few minutes each in the morning and afternoon. This will help keep my metabolism ramped up and minimize the damage of some of the less than optimal food I may eat.

There you go. I am excited about the weekend and plan on having a lot of fun making sand castles with my kids. I won't obsess about food or exercise. I have a plan and I am prepared.

Have a great weekend.

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